SOMA Wordmark

Throughout history, humanity has built a shared understanding of the world. The relentless quest for knowledge has driven us towards abundance and prosperity. As AI systems promise to advance our knowledge even further, they must accurately understand the universe.

Embeddings are what AI models use to capture the meaning of data. Embeddings enable AI to search, generate, and understand information, translating what we know into a language that models can understand.

Creating these embeddings requires substantial energy resources, and concentrates power and knowledge in the hands of a few. Yet, the Internet has shown us that it is possible to democratize access to information and resources. For AI to truly elevate humanity, embeddings must be as openly shared as the data on the Internet.

S❍MA is a shared, self-improving pool of embedding models. The system is founded on these principles:

  1. Open: The benefits of AI’s knowledge base should be accessible and fairly shared.
  2. Continual: AI should learn and improve at the speed of the Internet’s growth.
  3. Democratized: Open access to embeddings will foster better research, decentralize power, and encourage a diverse range of people to bring new ideas.

Through a virtuous cycle of more data, better embeddings, and stronger incentives, S❍MA aims to produce abundant knowledge for humanity.

Let’s get started.


Using the Network

Competing for ML Rewards

Running a Validator